Small slide featuring Twentebelt special belts

Special conveyor belt request

Fill in the form below to request assistance — it only takes a minute!

Although there are only a few required fields (indicated with the asterisk-symbol), we kindly ask you to provide as much information as possible. With your information we can better understand your situation and provide you with the best advice.

We strive to make the process of requesting belt advice easy and understandable. However, if you experience any difficulties or encounter anything that is unclear please do not hesitate to contact us so we can improve our service.

Phone: +31 (0)74 242 47 05

E-mail: or use the contact form on the contact page.


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Company details

Twentebelt B.V.

    Visiting address

Petroleumhavenstraat 1-3
7553 GS Hengelo OV
The Netherlands

    Mailing address

Petroleumhavenstraat 1-3
7553 GS Hengelo OV
The Netherlands

    Contact details

+31 (0)74 242 47 05

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